Category Archives: Aging
Your however?
What could be the “However” of your life—you are known as X, however. . . ? :- Doug.
The call of the ages
The call of the ages, their whisper: this is mine. Because they are there: can you not see, Blake asked us, the company of the heavenly host around the sun, singing Holy, Holy, Holy? Do you see only with your … Continue reading
Too small great purpose?
Who says our generation is too small to undertake a great purpose? :- Doug.
all grandchildren
We’re all grandchildren. :- Doug.
Do the patriotic thing
Do the patriotic thing—get vaccinated against covid—and fears. :- Doug.
Security to do lasting
Our society has provided us Social Security. We might, if we consider, find now encouragement to do things lasting. :- Doug.
Youth puts out to sea
Youth puts out to sea to make Age returns with his catch a skeleton Creation and forgetting Two parts, a singular mystery Human :- Doug.
vulnerable ≠
vulnerable ≠ weak :- Doug.
I am a mystery-teller For you I offer a mystery Ancestors :- Doug.
Ancestors to one another
What if ancestors were not ahead of you in line (nor behind you in something some call “time”) but were all around you, all about you, sustaining you as you sustain them? You may get your hazel eyes from your … Continue reading
Do you maintain
What are you doing to maintain— Generations yet to come? Generations gone on ahead? Generations walking alongside you? Beings not at all like you ancestoring you? :- Doug.
Adversity guarantees
Adversity is the guarantor of ancestry, the contraries that Blake says lead to progress, that McKee calls contradictory, contrary, and negation of the negation. :- Doug.
lonely strands
You ancestor are the story, the song with snatches of tune and maybe almost no words remembered. This melody makes persons of lonely strands. Of DNA. Of estranged blood. Makes mutuality of these persons. :- Doug.
No shoulders
An ancestor may not provide shoulders to stand on. Rather, sustenance, nurture, food to be taken in, eaten, digested, turned to strength and direction. A help for choice in dilemma. This is my essence: eat. :- Doug.