Category Archives: Death and living while dying
we find our stuff
Just here, in tragedy, we find our stuff. Just here, in our joy and their need. :- Doug.
I expect to die
I expect to die just not in my lifetime :- Doug.
Cannot yet know
I write now of what I cannot yet know :- Doug.
Simply to die
Simply to die not so simple :- Doug.
Not close enough
An old joke about the mathematician and the engineer: each step only takes him half the distance to his lover. The mathematician will never get there; the engineer will get close enough. In covid time we can get to within … Continue reading →
Tell it real
Tell it real. :- Doug.
When I melt
When I melt into air. . . . :- Doug.
Not a medical event
Dying is not primarily a medical event—nor even a minor part. :- Doug.
Older you are growing
Older you are growing elder you may be favored to become but who would want to be ancestor? Your name forgotten one of so many substrata beneath generations of bedrock How many generations back do you know their names? Their … Continue reading →
Disembark this train
Before you disembark this train you’d ought to see what you can see. :- Doug.
Work of dying might live
The work of dying might live in letting loose :- Doug.
Lives cannot end
We suppose our lives cannot end Seeing how life’s stories append and upend :- Doug.
Unpack for trip
Let’s unpack for the trip. :- Doug.
She stopped eating
She stopped eating Was she obstinate Or living dying’s natural process? :- Doug.
Whether present mentally
Whether or not I am present mentally, I want my dying sacred. :- Doug.
Gave up on life
She gave up on life Giving up on life and its possibilities Is a failure of imagination :- Doug.