Category Archives: Death and living while dying
Dying these days
Dying these days lasts so long we see our lives trudge before our eyes :- Doug.
Is suffering intrinsic?
Joan Berzoff on Friday said suffering is intrinsic to dying. I ask if that is so. Or do we mistake the work, do we mistake arduous for suffering? Do we get in the way? :- Doug.
Crisis changed family
This crisis has changed your family. In what ways would you like it to change you as a family and personally? :- Doug.
Whom they will be
Families become whom they will be after Dad is in the nursing home, and dies. :- Doug.
What’s work of dying?
What is the work of dying? :- Doug.
Suffering intrinsic?
Is suffering intrinsic to dying, or is dying just arduous? :- Doug.
What to do now?
What are your opinions and wishes for what to do now? :- Doug.
work or suffering?
An expert says suffering is the loss of the intactness of the person. Now I ask if this is not the work, rather than suffering. What is the difference between work and suffering? Suffering suggests pain, while work suggests sweat. … Continue reading →
Medical less important?
What ought your dying look like? What if the medical issues were not the most important thing? :- Doug.
Work of dying?
What is the work of dying? When do we start? :- Doug.
Died in her sleep
Minutes ago she died in her sleep medically enforced so was she able to complete? family left to live choices past memories sweet and sour anthems for dyings to come :- Doug.
Practice dying
Meditate let it go practice your dying :- Doug.
To die freely
Will you die a good death, or will you die freely? Freely is able to be with what comes. :- Doug.
Dying in her sleep
A client is dying in her sleep. She has been sedated to the point that she will not, cannot, be conscious of her dying. Is that what you meant? Not being able to do the work of dying? :- Doug.
Progress through dying
We start from meeting. We progress through dying. Dying as story, dying as message, dying as bettering humanicity. We meet again. We ask the next question. We ask How? We name the person. We ask for our own message. We … Continue reading →
Dying that learned
What are you willing to do so your 11th generation grandchild can have the kind of dying that learned from yours? :- Doug.
Dying litmus
Are you dying? might be a good litmus. If no, fight. If yes, wrestle. :- Doug.