Category Archives: Emergency/Crisis Medical
Busy pandemic days
In all the busy-ness of these pandemic days I must make time to love and to reflect. These are of the same substance. Yes, I must. :- Doug.
Stay healthy
Stay healthy. Keep loving. Reflect. :- Doug.
January baby boom
Consider we will have a January baby boom Consider we make time to consider, to reflect :- Doug.
Let’s not go back
Let’s not go back to business as usual Let’s go better to serving life and living :- Doug.
We don’t need to get through covid-19
After Covid-19, it’s a new world out there. We don’t need to get through it, we need to help one another get through it. To a new side. :- Doug.
Pandemic turn
Could this pandemic Turn us to one another Maybe we’ll find our purpose is each other? :- Doug.
Pandemic interruption
Is this pandemic an interruption Or is it our generation’s main path? :- Doug.
A story remembering project
A story remembering project. What can we do to engage the grandchildren? Could you grab a grandchild or two and tell a story? What’s your secret for telling stories to your grandchildren, for getting their attention? If it is difficult, … Continue reading
Get out the door
Get out the door. Even if you have to stay in. :- Doug.
More to do to stay at home
People want to get back to as near normal as they can. We don’t like the upset and the constant reminders of the upset. Most of us are well. A few of us are very sick and may be dying. … Continue reading
Pandemic matters?
Do we want this pandemic to be an interruption, or a beginning of what matters? :- Doug.
We have not yet
We have not yet learned the lesson of 9-11. :- Doug.
Pandemic stories
We’re still at the place in this pandemic where we tell numbers as if they were the story—numbers of confirmed cases, numbers dead, numbers tested. Or, we tell vignettes of people experiencing it. Is there yet another story? :- Doug.
A good long while
If it’s going to do us any good, this pandemic will have to last a good long while. :- Doug.
Chest pains
Chest pains Are these serious? But, things to do Hours wise Life foolish :- Doug.
Glass of icy water is denied
A glass of icy water is denied people in the hospital. The touch of cold glass, the crystal clarity to look through. Sparkling in the sunlight! :- Doug.