Category Archives: Family

Family lineage story

Tell your family lineage story back as far as you can, including as many particulars and details and episodes as you can: who, what, where, when, how, why; and forward as far as you’ve seen. :- Doug.

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Kinship offer

Put kinship on offer. :- Doug.

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11th personally?

Can you take the 11th generation personally? :- Doug.

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Why story authentically?

Maybe the most helpful thing we can do for the generations of humanity is to tell our stories with authenticity, so they can derive their own questions. :- Doug.

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Do you believe in people change?

Do you believe in people change? : – Doug.

Posted in Aging, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Generous or callous?

Ought our grandchildren be more generous or callous than we? :- Doug.

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Story behind

Sounds like there may be a story behind that question. :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

Living is community

Living is a community activity. :- Doug.

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Key to generations

Wondering about others a key to the generations what influences and assumptions are or were or might be in future at play wondering opens both ways :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Poetry | Leave a comment

Story toward community

Story’s outcome is community Community is higher calling for humanity :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Poetry | Leave a comment

For gathering

Reverence for gathering. :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

Mourning brings

Mourning brings us together. :- Doug.

Posted in Family, Grieving | Leave a comment

Grandson of a granddaughter

I am the grandson of a grandson You the granddaughter of a granddaughter That is enough :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Poetry | Leave a comment

Depth elder caring

There is a depth to elder caring beyond simply helping get the right care and asking how we are doing with all this. It is opening to one another. That little door that opens out onto an endless field. What … Continue reading

Posted in Caring, Eldering, Family, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Ask a grandchild to read to you

Ask a grandchild to read to you. :- Doug.

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Just that we meet

It’s not important what we say, just that we meet. :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Family | Leave a comment

Last time canoeing

How can you know when will be the last time you go canoeing with your grandchildren? :- Doug.

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