Category Archives: Family

You can see from here

What you can see from here Can it be for the grandchildren Of some good use? :- Doug.

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Weak with tiny orbit

In retirement, in old age, the charge of the corporation, nation, and economy is removed from us. We no longer make decision in millions or hundreds of thousands of Dollars and hundreds of jobs. In what ways then is this … Continue reading

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Live with pleasure among

To live with pleasure among and affection for :- Doug.

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Beings we did not make

To live among senior old people to live among infants of any species to live from mystery these are beings we did not make powers we cannot comprehend :- Doug.

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You spent your life as an adult

You spent your life as an adult working for others concerned with volume and price Now is a time your elder years to see to weal, fertility, wholeness, life for the grandchildren of all the grandchildren :- Doug.

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Take care there be no waste

Take care there be no waste of old nor young nor middling of land nor food nor compost :- Doug.

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Fishing in deeps

Tell the story of our unutterable joy in telling fishing for what swims in deeps :- Doug.

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Participate in lives?

How ought we participate in the grandchildren’s lives? :- Doug.

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Little melody

Little melody echoing long traces from both ends of the valley :- Doug.

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Angel in that child

There’s an angel in that child urging her up and out and in that elder as well :- Doug.

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Gentle hands on levers

Gentle hands on levers, softly open embraces, slight push releasing a toy sail boat on this pond: Elders giving to the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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The dreams must skip a generation

The dreams must skip a generation. :- Doug.

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Your face is a gift

Your face is a gift to the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Gravy the primal force

Gravy is one of the primal forces of the universe—or at least of Grandmas. :- Doug.

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Only a closed door?

What theme, better, what questions? Who is a grandchild that we should do something for her or him? What is the positive growth in aging? What else is dementia about and can we know? Do we only see dementia as … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Alzheimer's and other dementias, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Somes of eldering

The somes of elders: Some hug the grandchildren Many hear them out Some are activists Writers poets playmates Some unable to walk talk think show us how to receive love Or in their tiny rooms care for the cosmos provide … Continue reading

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For whom past 70?

For whom do we live past 70? :- Doug.

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