Category Archives: Family

We the families

We, the families, and the professionals who work outside the facilities, can start carrying life back through those doors. First we have to see life where staff see loss and less. Then we engage spontaneity and convivium. :- Doug.

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Safety a launch pad

Safety ought be a launch pad for elders to be and fly, not an instrument of suffocation. :- Doug.

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Sacred elders

The essential sacredness of the elders is most present in the most frail. How is this true? :- Doug.

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Take your elder home

Take your elder home: visit the old places, even if you cannot enter. Seek entry risking being turned away: you may be welcomed. For sure it will be a meeting of a new circumstance worth telling. :- Doug.

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Grandchildren care space?

Do you give your grandchildren space to give you caring? :- Doug.

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Grandparents are GR: Grandchild Resource. :- Doug.

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Play makes grow

Play makes grow a child—and an elder. :- Doug.

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Love the grandchildren you’re with

The challenge is to write the family story in a scattered and mobile society. May the word ought to be “for:” “for a scattered and mobile society.” If you’re not with the grandchildren you love, love the grandchildren you’re with. … Continue reading

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Tell me grandchild

Tell me grandchild, what have you learned? It may be, it may be. :- Doug.

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To wish not to be a burden

To wish to not be a burden on your children is at root selfish. For will you be abandoned if you are too much burden? Yet your son’s soul goes out to you and your daughter needs to mother you. … Continue reading

Posted in Caring, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Long-Term Care and nursing homes, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Give books and names

Give your grandchild a book and a name. A book to open a new way; a name to which to add stature. :- Doug.

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Ask a grandchild

Ask about meaning ask a grandchild :- Doug.

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Our role

Our role develop meaning with grandchildren :- Doug.

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cookies too

Grandma knows you wants what’s good for you cookies too has larger experiences ask her help :- Doug.

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Very best grandchildren

What is the very best of which grandchildren can be? :- Doug.

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Deeply to become

Our world is hospitable when we continuously invite the grandchildren to become what they most deeply need to become. :- Doug.

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When we are young

When we are young the great act is play When we are adult it is woman-man entwining When we are elder the great act is a converse that is play infinite play :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry | Leave a comment