Category Archives: Family

Invite delight

Invite Delight :- Doug.

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grand relationship

The grand relationship :- Doug.

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Trust him to carry

We converse with the 300 year grandchild-elder in part by starting with the 3 year old in front of us. Trust him to carry the conversation. :- Doug.

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Special names for grandchildren

Give the special names to the grandchildren. Challenge them to make the names live up to them. :- Doug.

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Shape the grandchildren?

Shape the grandchildren? Shape the circumstances? Shape swirls moving among? :- Doug.

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This grandchild’s art

Make your art to highlight another grandchild’s generative power and art. :- Doug.

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Calls forth rains

The rain does not so much cool the air: incoming cool air meets the warm humid air, calling forth rains. A useful metaphor for ancestors and grandchildren? :- Doug.

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Feed your growth

Feed your growth with reading, meditation, contemplation, art, meeting grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Three elders gathered

Whenever two or three elders are gathered there am I the grandchild :- Doug.

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A bridge a seed

a bridge a seed a spore a dream a grandchild a field a query an opening a freeing a serendip an ancestor’s roles :- Doug.

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Togethering experiment

This like all games is an experiment in togethering. :- Doug.

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Want for grandchildren?

What do you want to do For the Grandchildren? What will you do? Why does it matter? To you? For the Grandchildren? For those important to you? :- Doug.

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Grandchild evaporating

Grandchild evaporating into grandparent dances with grandchild :- Doug.

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Mists flocking

Grandchildren and elders semi-stable presences dancing as they evaporate mists flocking into elders and grandchildren :- Doug.

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Out of doors

Do some little thing out of doors every day. :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Caring, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Face the grandchildren

Our task is to face the grandchildren. Then to meet them. How and where to meet them is our mutual issue. We have common ground to seek. :- Doug.

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To give them?

What do we have to give the grandchildren? One response is we have our intimacy; that flows both ways. They can speak to us and change how we face them. :- Doug.

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