Category Archives: Family

Help the grandchildren elder

To help the grandchildren elder we must become aware of learning theory—others’ and our own. :- Doug.

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The point of games is fun

The point of games is fun—only fun—For the Grandchildren…and us. :- Doug.

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Maybe in 300 years

There is more here than we can grasp. Maybe in 300 years our descendants will have become ascendant—will start to frame some good questions. We can hope. We can also work: to acquire for our species a little awareness. Seeing … Continue reading

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Your granddaughter at 60?

What would well serve your granddaughter at age 60? :- Doug.

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What kind of world?

What kind of world is ideal For the Grandchildren? What kind of world will the Grandchildren create? How might we develop toward such a world? :- Doug.

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What’s growing?

If you can figure out what’s growing in you, you can start to pick out what’s growing in the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Honor their insights

Don’t just honor your insights—honor the grandchildren’s too. :- Doug.

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What good is growing?

If we want growth For the Grandchildren, we must point out to them what is growing that is good. :- Doug.

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Questions for the grandchildren

Knowing what we now intuit, what questions ought we ask ourselves, one another, and the grandchildren? :- Doug.

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Help discover specifics

What are the ways we might help the grandchildren discover their contributions? We must go beyond grandmother’s sayings: “Mind your manners;” and “Be nice.” Specific we seek. :- Doug.

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Seek for the admirable

Seek for the admirable characteristics in each of my mates; help them search themselves, too. That is possibly one of the strongest things I can do. Help them find what they have of value for the grandchildren. Invite them to … Continue reading

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Go empty, hear

Pay attention, hear, open to an equal level relationship. Ask questions, go empty, hear. Receive. :- Doug.

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How far beyond skin?

If a grandchild’s identity extends beyond her skin, how far does it go? Who (perhaps but a grandparent) is qualified to guess? How far do you go, grandchild? :- Doug.

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Put spirits and efforts into?

What ought elders put their spirits and efforts into For the Grandchildren? Name three things for you. :- Doug.

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Intimate with all life

Another joy-task of elders is to become intimate with all life. :- Doug.

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Middling is an excursion

Middling is an excursion into busy-ness and away from our essence-which-wants-out-to-play. The true tug of grandchildren to grandparents—is to life! :- Doug.

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The little tree dances

The little tree envied the dancing of the little goats and lambs, kittens and puppies. In a wind her mama leaned over and whispered “You may; with the breezes!” And so she danced wildly with each breeze which came along, … Continue reading

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