Category Archives: Family

Dedicated to my grandchildren

Dedicated to my grandchildren—in their elder years. :- Doug.

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A dream to give

Has a dream to give the elder for the grandchildren much more subtle than a dream to give :- Doug.

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I don’t have time not to get in their faces

I don’t have time not to get in their faces. :- Doug.

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Matters too significant

Stories address matters too significant for books, Internet, and university. :- Doug.

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Build a story

Name: –a fantastic situation –a human dilemma –a reason to leave home –a room –an antagonist –a fear –a foolishness –a color of hair –an aspiration –a form of wisdom Then build a story :- Doug.

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After our grandchildren grow up?

After we grow up After our children grow up After our grandchildren grow up We grow In what direction? :- Doug.

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Afraid of one another

A major issue of our time is we are afraid of one another. Too afraid to open. :- Doug.

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Too important without great fun

This is too important to share without a great deal of fun. I owe to the grandchildren fun and these new thoughts discontinuous in some small way with the past. A 300-year view is central to it, as is conversation, … Continue reading

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You are the impossible one

You are the impossible one a grandchild an ancestor :- Doug.

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In the year 1718

In the year 1718 was I still alive? Who was my family and what good did they do me? Blank my mind goes. :- Doug.

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To my classmates

To my classmates I owe having fun. To the grandchildren I owe having fun. :- Doug.

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If it’s not fun

If it’s not fun it’s not For the Grandchildren it’s not for life :- Doug.

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Fun is essential

Fun is essential to spirit: meditate, and grandparent with fun! :- Doug.

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Ask the grandchildren

Ask the grandchildren, What do you need today? :- Doug.

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An impossibly large and long project

This idea that changing the meaning changes the world has me. That is the work of elders For the Grandchildren. We change the meaning of living. It is an impossibly large and long project, and necessary. There are different aspects … Continue reading

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Enormously beyond our capabilities

The 300 year project For the Grandchildren is as enormously beyond our capabilities as it is necessary. :- Doug.

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The big dream

The big dream has the grandchildren pondering “What is going on?” :- Doug.

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