Category Archives: Family

Spontaneous GC?

Want to be spontaneous with your grandchildren? Give it some reflection: before the visit, put a couple tricks up your sleeve. :- Doug.

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Touch nonlocally

For the Grandchildren is important. Maybe we can touch nonlocally and atemporally. :- Doug.

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Reminiscing GC

Tie the reminiscing together with the grandchildren: the wider view is something, if we become conscious of it, we can become intentional with what we do for the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Education changes world

Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” With the grandchildren, how might you use education to change the world? :- Doug.

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Generativity means?

What does generativity mean to you? For whom? :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

and I yours

You are touching my grandchildren and I yours through our conversing around our generativity. :- Doug.

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family in your life

Did you see family and cultural influences in your life story? Were these things that drew out your thinking? :- Doug.

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After I left

After I left our meeting, I had a call for an emergency appointment. The person arrived a few minutes after I got back to my office. Her husband of 40+ years was in the hospital, unconscious. The doctors said he … Continue reading

Posted in Caring, Death and living while dying, Emergency/Crisis Medical, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Become your grandchildren

Dive into grandchildren—become your grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Play with aging

If we let go, we can play with aging, bodies falling to pieces, minds dissipating, dying and death. Let’s go hear. And here: playing with the new depths we can ponder into, the new connections with the generations fore and … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Not wrong

People who are dying are not wrong. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Death and living while dying, Family, Grieving, Healing and Wholeness, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

We are, or not

Together we are Not together we are not :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Eldering, Family, Poetry | Leave a comment

Grampas are nurturing

As we age, the genders seem to move toward each other: grampas are nurturing, grammas are meeting the world. :- Doug.

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An heir

An heir is one bereaved, torn away, emptied, released. :- Doug.

Posted in Estates: Administration & Probate, Family, Grieving | Leave a comment

Best time!

This is the best time of life! :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Alzheimer's and other dementias, Conversation, Death and living while dying, Eldering, Emergency/Crisis Medical, Family, Grieving, Healing and Wholeness, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

am because we are

I am because we are. :- Doug.

Posted in Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

How might this be so?

For the grandchildren should work for your inner world and outer, for the grandchildren in front of you, for the grandchildren ahead and possible for the grandchildren of past years. How might this be so? :- Doug.

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