Category Archives: Family

Through the grandchildren

How can we change culture? Through the grandchildren. Money does not have to be the main force, nor does system. :- Doug.

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Facets of dying

One thing that affects me about dying is that it is one of the profound times of life. One facet of the profundity is the connection with others. Another is its connection with something larger, ineffable. What other facets do … Continue reading

Posted in Death and living while dying, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

Every one of us

A grandchild is every one of us. An elder is here for all grandchildren, the planet, and all there is. :- Doug.

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Mutual endeavor

For the grandchildren is a mutual endeavor. :- Doug.

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Important minority

It does not matter whether this is statistically true. It matters if it is true for you, true for us. Eldering for the grandchildren is a distinctly minority activity. Just by the most important minority—those eldering for the grandchildren. :- … Continue reading

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Family crisis

Our job, that of those of us who help elders, is that we help families through a crisis. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Eldering, Family, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Shared thing unknown

Can the grandchildren benefit all their lives from the shared thing unknown? :- Doug.

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Don’t know?

What is it you don’t know from which the grandchildren might just benefit? :- Doug.

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Grandparents’ advantage

An advantage grandparents have over parents: distance, perspective, long-view. We do not need to deal with the immediacies of injuries, illness, discipline, and paying the bills: we can be mentors, friends, confidants. :- Doug.

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Body antenna

Use your body as an antenna to receive what other bodies are feeling or sending. Mirroring posture and gestures is one way. Noticing discrepancies between words and gestures. :- Doug.

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See you bigger

Elders are simultaneously within and outside the system. So they can see you bigger, help the grandchildren make a bigger world. :- Doug.

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We plow

We plow, the grandchildren plant and tend. :- Doug.

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Fertile counseling

Use our counselor role to direct grandchildren’s thinking into fertile territory. :- Doug.

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No goal

Is there a goal? No! There are people who need what elders can give. How will we know when we have gotten there? We will not and cannot: we will however know that we worked for the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Elders to do

What do I want elders to do? Take a bigger view of their role for the grandchildren. Take responsibility for the grandchildren. Tell stories, play games, give their spirits. See and accept their central roles in the future of the … Continue reading

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Project for the grandchildren

The three hundred year project for the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Sharing invitation

When I have an insight it is not wisdom, rather something to be shared with invitation that you share yours. For the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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