Category Archives: Family

Something going on

There is something going on…for the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Work for peace

Our job as lawyers is to work for peace in this family. :- Doug.

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Agility of elders

Begins to dawn flexibility in children calls for agility of elders’ hearts :- Doug.

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Who is safe?

Rather than let them keep us safe in old peoples’ storage, let us work to make our grandchildren safe. :- Doug.

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Another harmony

What if the grandchildren have to find another way to live in harmony? They do, you know. What then is your role? :- Doug.

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Time to come together

End of life is a time to come together for your life for your resonating loved ones :- Doug.

Posted in Death and living while dying, Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry | Leave a comment

Dying practice

Dying is a time to come close to one another, to round out our togethering. We cannot know what that will mean till we get there, and yet we do. We can practice this part of our dying this day … Continue reading

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Grandparent chaos

Grandparent chaos it too is a grandchild :- Doug.

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We can be the larger people

The fact that the elder can bring the dreamlike to the conversation tells us she or he can bring the larger truths to the grandchildren. This is a time of life when we can be the larger people we are. … Continue reading

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An elder brings dreamlike, personal boundary-crossing, intuitions, and insights to the service of the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Share an inside door

How are you related to the elders 300 years from now? You are not unless it is through the spirit—our first relationship. So these grandchildren are right next door to you, they share an inside door. :- Doug.

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Common juiciness

The “common adversary” nature of the meeting of grandchildren and elders has juiciness to nourish. :- Doug.

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How will they surprise?

How do we increase our effectiveness for the grandchildren? In each arena? How do we picture the grandchildren—what age, what blended races, what nationalities, what planets will they call home? How will they surprise us? :- Doug.

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Until you

Until now elders got little respect until you until now grandchildren fended in a world too big until now we thought ourselves ineffectual Until now :- Doug.

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Just people

Grandchildren are just people wherever there are just people love is possible :- Doug.

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Hidden things touch

What are the hidden things—say rank, privilege, pain, injustice—which may touch the grandchildren? Do we have a story we could tell to help? :- Doug.

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Grandchildren face?

What will the grandchildren face—in 300 years? :- Doug.

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