Category Archives: Family

What are we developing?

While it is true we as elders are developing, the question is what are we developing? How is it for the grandchildren if we are not developing something beyond ourselves? So again: What are we developing? Whom? :- Doug.

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Grandchildren moving

Grandchildren are moving We’re all grandchildren :- Doug.

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Beyond right things

What for elders lies out beyond doing the right thing for the grandchildren? What if doing the right thing were the bare minimum? :- Doug.

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Uncertain grandchildren

The grandchildren are wild We then are uncertain Meet wild to wild :- Doug.

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Faces of grandchildren

These are the faces of the grandchildren These the holy These the beloved :- Doug.

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A higher tension

There is a tension in eldering between living our life and living for the grandchildren. My own needs vs the good of the human project. When we stay in this tension, they rise to a higher more fruitful tension. :- … Continue reading

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Grandchildren should be heard

Grandchildren should be seen and especially heard. :- Doug.

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Child calls forth grandparent

Does the sea call forth the fishes, or the fishes the sea? The rain the earth? The child the grandparent? Yes. Together. :- Doug.

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Butterflies, fireflies

Live with butterflies by day and fireflies by evening, taste all flavors, dance the dances, bring all the lights from bright to soft, sing all the notes of the scale: playfully. Hug. With many voices we might yet sing one … Continue reading

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Quantum play?

Quantum play—how might we play with the grandchildren who will be elders 300 years from now? Is it really not possible? Really only one directional? :- Doug.

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Owe to the grandchildren

If you believe we owe something big to the grandchildren, come help us figure out how bigger. :- Doug.

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Leap across generations

Playfulness is the quantum leap across the generations. So we develop our playfulness for the benefit of the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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This changes our lives

Not here to shop for bargains or “experiences,” we are confronted by a generation that wants something of us. This changes our lives. Maybe this change is unpleasant, but it is given us as responsibility and love. :- Doug.

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Both feet

There is something well beyond the middling years and we owe it to the grandchildren to jump in with both feet. :- Doug.

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Clown invitingly

With bodies broken and beaten With parts flopping awkwardly For the grandchildren we clown invitingly :- Doug.

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Partnership generations

We are in the best place to invite a partnership of the generations. :- Doug.

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First fruits

Invest the first fruits of your day for the grandchildren. :- Doug.

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