Category Archives: Family

What will you miss?

What will you miss if you don’t elder the grandchildren and community? :- Doug.

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Safety is a sales pitch

Safety is a sales pitch to adult children. :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Long-Term Care and nursing homes | Leave a comment

Crying at a birth

We should cry at the birth of a baby, because this one now has a terminal condition: life. But we do not, and we do well, because of possibilities in the great shared illness. :- Doug.

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Time travelers

In many ways we are time travelers…. into future curious of a grandchild’s imagination into past reflecting, doing genealogy into prophecy thinking of the effects of our actions on the seventh generation into right action and right governance reminding those … Continue reading

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Good of generations

Eldering is being and doing for the larger good of generations, community, and worlds. :- Doug.

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Our children called us forth

Our children called us forth: we were necessary for them to arrive. Our family, future and past generations, needs to be more complete. We as a whole call for and forth children and parents, grandchildren and grandparents. As a whole … Continue reading

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Every time you extend

Every time you extend yourself You learn The world is hospitable You can change You can make things better by that much :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Conversation, Eldering, Family, Poetry, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

The high point of our life

We don’t know when the high point of our life is. It might be right now. If we live it, it is right now. :- Doug.

Posted in Death and living while dying, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment


This one unexchangeable person offers me converse :- Doug.

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Death, confronting you for the sake of life

How does death, your death, confront you for the sake of life—how you live it today, how those ongoing depend on what you do? :- Doug.

Posted in Death and living while dying, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

Find the impossible unity

Find the impossible unity in unexpected fruitfulness :- Doug.

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Tension: playing and giving

One tension of eldering is between playing and giving: taking pleasure and being with. We cannot merely dissolve the tension, for instance by playing with grandchildren, for the action can readily veer to mindless play or overt lessons: we must … Continue reading

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For our grandchildren

You cannot change the world & you must change the world & you will change the world you are too small small is precisely what is needful a word, a gesture to enter hearts one at a time day by … Continue reading

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What’s better?

What’s different? What’s better? :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Alzheimer's and other dementias, Caring, Conversation, Death and living while dying, Dreams, Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Long-Term Care and nursing homes, Poetry, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

We’re all grandchildren

Elder the grandchildren we’re all grandchildren :- Doug.

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but at 21 I could not yet know

Stripped bare nothing left but bone grieving together best of human loving I had an intuition of this her grandfather, his father died I drove in the funeral procession but at 21 I could not yet know :- Doug.

Posted in Family, Grieving, Poetry | Leave a comment


Elders might be keepers of the stories recipes seeds spirit possibilities play songs futures larger humanity dreams: guardians too :- Doug.

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