Category Archives: Family

Hear the lessons

Hence, a lot of thinking about what that transformation might be. My clients can guide me, ought to be the guides. But we can do more, much more for them, than simply the technical grunt work of the Medicaid application. … Continue reading

Posted in Caring, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Long-Term Care and nursing homes, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Crisis changed family

This crisis has changed your family. In what ways would you like it to change you as a family and personally? :- Doug.

Posted in Death and living while dying, Family, Grieving, Long-Term Care and nursing homes | Leave a comment

Family to be?

What do you want your family to do? Whom do you want your family to be? :- Doug.

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Things we ignore

The things we ignore as attorneys—the feelings, the desire to have the family get along, etc—are the main event for the client and her family. We could help. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Family, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Whom they will be

Families become whom they will be after Dad is in the nursing home, and dies. :- Doug.

Posted in Death and living while dying, Family, Grieving | Leave a comment

More life in time together

More life out of their days, out of the time they have together—this is something we can help find. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Family, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

No, I don’t do Wills

No, I don’t do Wills. Unless you mean counseling with people on how they might best help their family and community with what they leave behind—and especially how. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Wills | Leave a comment

Want to live their love

People want to live their love when someone needs help in age. I can help these people. :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Caring, Family, Long-Term Care and nursing homes, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

What to do now?

What are your opinions and wishes for what to do now? :- Doug.

Posted in Alzheimer's and other dementias, Caring, Conversation, Death and living while dying, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Long-Term Care and nursing homes | Leave a comment

Family resources?

What are the resources of your family? What strengths does each bring to this challenging time? Who is adding friction? What weaknesses do we need to shore up? :- Doug.

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Needs we cannot

Feeling inadequate, overwhelmed, anxious, and the like are some of the harder parts of having a close one whose needs we cannot alleviate. :- Doug.

Posted in Alzheimer's and other dementias, Caring, Emergency/Crisis Medical, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

Acknowledge validate

We acknowledge and validate. :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Felt quality of lives

We are improving the felt quality of clients’ lives—and of their families. :- Doug.

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Essential for Dad?

What is the essential thing for Dad and for the family in the face of Dad’s life as it is now? Essential for Dad: medical care? Custodial care? Working through the 47 things and perhaps spiritual or religious or psychological … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Alzheimer's and other dementias, Caring, Family, Long-Term Care and nursing homes, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Anything less?

Is there anything less I can do for you? :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Long-Term Care and nursing homes, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Makes us less free

Retaliation makes us less free. :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

A time when you loved me

There was a time when you loved me that time I think is a long now includes it does this now just this week you were on a trip you called me every day we didn’t know what to say … Continue reading

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