Category Archives: Family

The elder sees

The elder sees Who the grandchild is They meet :- Doug.

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Push off in your canoe

Push off in your canoe into waters chasing waters which have already flowed by into waters way out ahead those waters which have yet to fall as rain and are way behind see: the past is ahead the future is … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry | Leave a comment

Wrestle things that are

Our task is to make our meaning so that the grandchildren will see a way to make theirs. It is made when you wrestle the things that are. :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Call up your grandchildren

Call up your grandchildren, tell them a story. Tell them about a mistake or failure in your life. Ask them nothing. :- Doug.

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Gathering with the forebears

When we are gathering with the forebears what good can we do? :- Doug.

Posted in Dreams, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

January baby boom

Consider we will have a January baby boom Consider we make time to consider, to reflect :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Emergency/Crisis Medical, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry | Leave a comment

We don’t need to get through covid-19

After Covid-19, it’s a new world out there. We don’t need to get through it, we need to help one another get through it. To a new side. :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Emergency/Crisis Medical, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

Because you see this other

You are because another sees you You are because another hears you Whom do you see and hear in 300 years? :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry | Leave a comment

Joy to get a call

What a joy to get a call To be touched by another soul! :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Family, Poetry | Leave a comment

A good long while

If it’s going to do us any good, this pandemic will have to last a good long while. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Conversation, Eldering, Emergency/Crisis Medical, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Kindly turn away

I am going to die. I am not conscious of dying at this moment. What can it mean to these days to remember my death, my dying? I want to converse at that time. I want to not avoid the … Continue reading

Posted in Death and living while dying, Family | Leave a comment

In the dying room

Being in the dying room the task is witnessing. You witness my dying, ask me about what is going on, what I’m thinking with a far away look. I witness to you my thoughts, prayers, wishes, needs, and not having … Continue reading

Posted in Death and living while dying, Family | Leave a comment

Grandchild seek

Grandchild seek to be of use to your grandchildren to life to larger yet :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Poetry | Leave a comment

Year of reaching out

This is the year of reaching out to my grandchildren. :- Doug.

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Skin hair quirks sorrows

Find out the name of that grandchild elder, get to know this one: skin, hair, quirks, sorrows. :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Child of your stories

Imagine a better humanity. Imagine they are your grandchildren. Imagine a specific woman or man. Imagine this one a child of your imagination, of your stories, of your poetry. :- Doug.

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Do I see your face?

Grandchild: do I see your face before you are born? :- Doug.

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