Category Archives: Family

One specific grandchild

Conversing across generations not only you and one specific grandchild also a spot along the way revealing vistas :- Doug.

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Visiting familial ties

Could we some day track visits to Websites—attract them too—based on familial ties? :- Doug.

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6 degrees relation

Maybe we use 6 degrees of relation. :- Doug.

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A rich life

A rich life I enjoy Family, friends, depth of spirit :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry | Leave a comment

Meeting ineffable

In your meeting, what was ineffable? :- Doug.

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Draw me a look like

For dying patients and their families, the same question as for their doctors and nurses: What does that look like? Especially for the patients and families: What do you want it to look like, and not look like? Draw me … Continue reading

Posted in Caring, Death and living while dying, Family, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Permission to die?

What needs to be born in us today, in order for something to have permission to die? :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Death and living while dying, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Prayer offering gift

Everything is a prayer, an offering, a gift. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Family, Healing and Wholeness, Poetry, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment

Better humanity look?

What would a better humanity look like—in 300 years? :- Doug.

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It’s 2321:

It’s 2321: Do you know where our children are? :- Doug.

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Bear witness

As a service to the eleventh generation, witness. Them, us, the generations. :- Doug.

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Left them out

I had proposed questions and stories addressed to individuals in the succeeding generations, if any. I was wrong. I left out community and especially conversation. Who are we together, and can we be better? Together? Organically? :- Doug.

Posted in Conversation, Eldering, Family | Leave a comment

Parents’ like background

My life experience is my own; my parents’ feels like background, contributing to my basic worldview. My grandparents’ seems quaint, a distant, overarching philosophy. :- Doug.

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Set children on path

Do we set our children on the best path? Or do we invite them to create better paths? Or yet again, invite them to question? :- Doug.

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Come hear

Come hear a story. :- Doug.

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Do the tough thing

Do the tough thing—rather than aim to change the world, aim to change people. :- Doug.

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Preparing a long view?

What are you doing to prepare the next two generations to have a long view? :- Doug.

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