Category Archives: Family

Families upside down

When families are turned upside down to nurse their elders, and especially by the cost crisis it brings, that’s when we get to work. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Family, Long-Term Care and nursing homes | Leave a comment

Smarter than us

We want our children to be smarter than us, just not too much. :- Doug.

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Ask them

Listen to stories, ask deeper questions, ask them to ask deeper questions. Ask them. :- Doug.

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Important deeper?

Do we talk about what is important? Do we devise deeper questions? Where are we going? :- Doug.

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Story foibles

Assume the basics, such as courage, love, beauty. Tell a story of the foibles and fables of you family lineage. :- Doug.

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Muddling higher

While our 300-year grandchild elders won’t be born into a time space of harnessing the energy of the solar system, we can help them think larger about it, muddling through at a higher level. :- Doug.

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Child will surprise

Expression is of humanicity. Rilke and Rumi elate us. Some day too a child of humanity, perhaps somewhat non biological, will surprise. :- Doug.

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Pray for the grandchild

Pray for the 300-year grandchild elders, and for those generations between now and then. For what will you dare pray for them? :- Doug.

Posted in Eldering, Family, Healing and Wholeness | Leave a comment

“One Indiana, Two Indiana….”

Teach the Hoosier children to count seconds “One Indiana, Two Indiana….” :- Doug.

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Nursing home choices overwhelm

Families facing the nursing home choices for Mom and Dad are overwhelmed and fear losing lifetime savings. Elder caring attorneys can help with both. :- Doug.

Posted in Caring, Family, Long-Term Care and nursing homes | Leave a comment

He was a surprise to us all

Elder Experienced, venerable Grandfathering, conversing, inviting He was a surprise to us all Me :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Conversation, Eldering, Family, Poetry | Leave a comment

I asked my 8-year old grandson

This weekend I asked my 8 year old grandson about possible futures. He envisioned robots in the grocery doing the check out. You may have seen exo-skeleton devices, heard about nanobots to course our veins da Vinci repairing us from … Continue reading

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Begin with personal stories

We begin with our personal stories, our family stories, the story of our species. We move to asking about the alternative futures of humanity. Then we dare to ask might we, ought we, improve humanity itself. :- Doug.

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Into futures some little ways

Into futures with the generations some little ways :- Doug.

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Futures stories in conversations

Start by telling some futures as stories in conversations with grandchildren. See what I can weave together to see what I know and what I need to study. What kind of futures would you want? Would you want to travel … Continue reading

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Grandchildren on fire!

If our grandchildren of 300 years were on fire Would you rush to their aid? They are please do :- Doug.

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Get over answers

Get over needing an answer. :- Doug.

Posted in Aging, Alzheimer's and other dementias, Caring, Conversation, Death and living while dying, Dreams, Eldering, Family, Grieving, Healing and Wholeness, Professional Caregivers | Leave a comment