Category Archives: Professional Caregivers
Caring industry
We work in the caring industry. :- Doug.
Conscious caring?
Ought caring be conscious? Or written on our hearts? Both? :- Doug.
Futures of caring
I’m exploring the futures of caring. :- Doug.
Nursing home robots?
What tasks in a nursing home could be taken over by algorithms and robots? :- Doug.
Involved helping
Get involved helping people. :- Doug.
Non experts helping
I come here not as an expert. As a friend. I know some things. You know many more things. Let us share. Perhaps we can help one another. :- Doug.
Wonderful tie
This may be a wonderful tie, but it’s not Superman’s cape. :- Doug.
Depth elder caring
There is a depth to elder caring beyond simply helping get the right care and asking how we are doing with all this. It is opening to one another. That little door that opens out onto an endless field. What … Continue reading
Glass of icy water is denied
A glass of icy water is denied people in the hospital. The touch of cold glass, the crystal clarity to look through. Sparkling in the sunlight! :- Doug.
Do they comment?
Do they see really see their clients the ones under their protection do they comment to their clients over their lives and how they face them each? :- Doug.
Move beyond the fact
Move Move beyond the fact to the Poetry :- Doug.
A factory for boredom
If you work in a nursing home, take care you are not creating a factory for boredom, uselessness, and loneliness. :- Doug.
A rich time
Caring for your elder can be a burden or a rich time together the better is up to you :- Doug.
Effective for frail
How can we be effective advocates for frail elders? :- Doug.
Nice doer
Be a nice doer. :- Doug.