Category Archives: Wills
Dregs of life
If in our Wills we leave the gift of money we leave only dregs of life. Ought we leave what is real? :- Doug.
Writing the Will is easy part
Writing the Will is the easy part, even if work. The fulcrum for the heavy lifting is in finding your mind and heart. :- Doug.
No two clients
No two clients are ever the same; no two clients’ projects are ever the same: so we have no standard fees. :- Doug.
Beyond the money side:
Let’s get beyond the money side: What is a Will worth to you and your family? What are the non monetary values you attach to getting this job done? :- Doug.
People we like
We work with people we like. :- Doug.
Our Why
People making life-changing decisions are our Why. :- Doug.
No, I don’t do Wills
No, I don’t do Wills. Unless you mean counseling with people on how they might best help their family and community with what they leave behind—and especially how. :- Doug.
You have inherited a million Dollars
You have inherited a million Dollars. It is now your responsibility to do good with it. The least you can do is make it grow. Get imaginative. Grow people. Beyond yourself. Grow worlds. :- Doug.
Your Will is not done
Your Will is not done until you have conversed with your beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries about it. A Will is a conversation; most folks forgo the conversation and make it one directional. What might they be losing? :- Doug.
leave us a good question
Researches begun last century legacies to produce fruit this or next leave us a good question :- Doug.
Build a wall with wallboard
One might build a wall with wallboard—it works, it is good for most settings and most people. It is a modern way of doing things. It is not like were built 100 years ago or 1,000. It meets the needs. … Continue reading
Opportunities in making a Will
What are your opportunities in making a Will and testament? To get rid of, to pass along wisdom, to connect generations, to proselytize? What are the profane uses, the sacred? :- Doug.
leaving for the grandkids
Some things we are leaving for the grandkids to discover after we have died! :- Doug.
What I want to say is close to this: We don’t hear each other. Maybe never much have. We don’t hear ourselves. And we certainly don’t hear the in-betweens. My work is the in-betweens. A Will for instance is an … Continue reading