Oct 4 & 5: Discovering Ourselves Wiser

You are invited….

Discovering Ourselves Wiser

Using Our Wisdom for Our World

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How the co-learning happens

Your years count. As Mentor, Sage, Poet you have something of great value to share. Gather with other people who are putting their experience and wisdom to work.

You are invited to this interactive retreat to find and create the wholeness of our lives, to move toward holding ourselves more lightly, giving our lives away.

We will collaborate in deep learning about our wisdom, with other developing sages, while doing the work we always intended to do for our world’s grandchildren.

What will we produce?

Maybe a document, a recording, a work of art (dance? sculpture? poetry?).

It might be a letter to your grandchildren to be opened on graduation from college. It might be a note of forgiveness and reconciliation. It might be a recognition of the light you see in your lover’s eyes.

This day is to think together with others who want to go deeper: to think about our tribe as a whole, re-find what good you have to give that goes well beyond money. In you, what timeless ways do you have to make your world better?


It is urgent we give the wisdom and love we have—while we can. Will you mean more to your kin than someone who once was?

Topics on the table will include:

  • The special people in our lives: what each needs, means and gives, and the dreams you hold dear for each
  • What you have to give that is not monetary
  • What doors are opening for us in our giving back years?
  • Unfinished tasks to give to another
  • What matters for our times?
  • What you have yet to learn and do
  • Where is the wholeness in your life?
  • Growing spiritually—getting closer to God
  • The meaning of your life
  • The value of your pain and tears

In other words, what is good harvesting?

  • completing and harvesting
  • compassion
  • introspection and “extrospection”
  • humility and humanity
  • service and contribution
  • hearing one another
  • responding and responsibility
  • finding meaning
  • respect and dignity
  • a collective work
  • growing and expanding
  • a work to be done
  • sorting, discarding, rearranging
  • forgiving, deciding not to forgive
  • distributing, learning, going on
  • finding what really matters
  • coming home to one’s original self
  • celebrating

Who, what, where, when:

Who: anyone, any age, who wants to work on harvesting their wisdom.

When: Friday evening, October 4, 2013, 6:00 to 9:00 pm for a shared light supper. We gather in a circle for some small group conversations to deepen our attention. Saturday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, more small and large group conversations, and times for individual reflection, writing, walking in nature.

Where: Andre Place, 54515 State Rd 933, South Bend IN 46637.

Food: Healthy food will be provided (let us know if you have special needs); you are invited to bring food to share, or you can contribute cash if you’d like to help.

Facilitator: Douglas D Germann, Sr., South Bend Elder Caring Attorney.

Questions? Doug at 76066.515@Compuserve.com or call 574/291-0022.

Registration: $45.00; Sister Linda Kors, 282-1901.

There will be someone there whom you need to meet.


© Copyright 2013, Germann PC

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About dgermann

Elder Caring Lawyer
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2 Responses to Oct 4 & 5: Discovering Ourselves Wiser

  1. Pingback: FootprintsintheWind.com » Blog Archive » Footprints in the Windsm # 1360–What would make the best stage of your life?

  2. Pingback: There once was a gathering of a dozen sages in South Bend | Douglas Germann: South Bend Elder Caring Law

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