Category Archives: Uncategorized
from the heart
Care is at least in part Of the cash register Caring is from the heart :- Doug.
When your sister is in the hospital
When your sister is in the hospital, instead of absently turning magazine pages, you could open a notebook and explore her lifetime of clues to you. :- Doug.
Eldering’s richer conversation
What if eldering led us into a richer conversation? Eldering is whole-making. Life is conversing. :- Doug. What if eldering led us into a richer conversation? Eldering is whole-making. Life is conversing.
Caring’s heart is with elders
Caring, my heart is with elders Care can be only a financial transaction My heart is with the elders Because they have found the way of wisdom Some of them :- Doug.
Engaging the world’s gears and children
Eldering is Engaging the world’s gears Inviting its children out to play To turn, to dance—to converse! :- Doug.
Elder stands for our inner higher
Elder stands for our inner higher. :- Doug.
Moments are more precious now
The moments of life are more precious To me now than when I was your age So may we use them to carry valuable conversation? :- Doug.
The grey falcon circles
The grey falcon circles and thousands of miles even thousands of eons condense instantly to a point :- Doug.
Eldering the generations
What if conversation were how we eldered the generations? :- Doug.
Does everyone elder in some way?
Does everyone elder in some way? :- Doug.
How shall we elder our many tribes?
How shall we elder our many tribes? :- Doug.
Eldering is conversational art.
Eldering is conversational art. :- Doug.
Ways for elders to see & hear their tribe
I do not sell Wills. I counsel new Ways for elders to see & hear their tribe From ways come good :- Doug.